Akbarz Axe Blog!

Kamis, 31 Agustus 2017

Lower Brightness Update! Download !

              Yo,, ketemu lagi sama gue.. jadi kali ini gue mau bagi-bagi aplikasi yang penting yaa bahkan sangat penting.. pentingnya dimana? aplikasi ini bisa menghemat kualitas mata Anda dari kerusakanan...
               Langsung aja temen-temen...

             Tuh lihat.. kecerahannya jadi gelapan kan.. itu masih 55%.. kalau sampe 0% hp kamu 100% gelap gulita... beneran deh.. buruan coba..
Download disini : Lower Brightness Update"

5 Alasan Kita Main Game Retro / Lawas - Ini Alasan Gue..

#5. Games Were Simpler Back In The Day
           Video games have unquestionably become more ambitious and impressive in recent years. When you look at the likes of The Last Of Us, it's impossible to overstate just how far video games have come since people were playing Pong forty-odd years ago. But for all the innovations within the medium, and for all the new fangled ideas and increasingly elaborate control schemes, there's something to be said for how much more straight forward things were in the games we played as kids.
             Gaming today can be difficult for people without the muscle memory that comes from years of dedicated gaming. Give your mum or dad a PS4 controller and if they're anything like mine they'll spend half the time playing the game looking down, attempting in vain to remember where all the buttons are. Use the left analog stick to walk, hold X to jog, or tap X to sprint. L2 is aim and R2 is shoot, but R1 becomes shoot if you're driving because in a car R2 is the accelerator. R3 (that's when you click in the right analog stick) let's you look behind you, and to open the menu you need to hold down the touch pad. And that's just part of the control scheme for Grand Theft Auto 5, one of the best selling games of all time.
           Even for seasoned veterans the increasing complexity of games can become a turn off. Super Mario World is still as intuitive as it was back in 1990 because the inherently simple design and pick up and play nature of the game made it timeless. You can give a kid who's never played a Mario game the controller and within seconds they'll have worked out how to play. This simplicity is an attractive concept, which is almost certainly part of the reason that retro games like Shovel Knight and Axiom Verge are so popular today. The simpler a game is to play, the more inclusive and immediate the fun. Retro gaming has that in spades, and that's the reason I'm still playing Super Mario World twenty-six years after release.
#4. Retro Games Have Better Music
             As gaming production values have increased over the years, we've seen the medium change in many ways. We made the jump to 3D, we now have voice acting, and elaborate cut-scenes tell complicated stories that rival those seen in television or on the big screen. Games today feature fully orchestrated scores or soundtracks featuring popular music that are every bit as impressive as what we'd see in other mediums, but it feels like we've lost something along the way, too.
             I can still hum the theme music to Treasure Island Dizzy on the Commodore 64. I was playing that game nearly thirty years ago and I haven't played it since then (and I've still never beaten it, damn it) but I can still remember the theme music that plays in the background in its entirety. I played games last week and I couldn't even tell you if they had music at all.
              Because of the simplicity of early games, and without voice acting to tell a story, the music had to be good. Other than a few crummy sound effects, the music of the game was the only aural stimulation that the games provided. There are still great game soundtracks today, but they seem few and far between when compared to the games of my youth. Mega Man, Castlevania, the early Final Fantasy games, and iconic titles like Zelda, Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog - these all featured highly memorable tunes that stick with us long after the last time we played them. I still remember how the music for Commodore 64 classic Prince Clumsy changes when you save the princess at the end of the game like I was playing it yesterday. We can't really say that about Shadow of Mordor, can we?
#3. Games Used to Work Right Out of the Box
             One thing that games from yesteryear unquestionably did better than the games of today is that they, well, worked. You'd think that it should be a pretty fundamental aspect of any product released to the market, but it's truly staggering how many games in 2016 ship broken, requiring either days or weeks of server tweaks to get the multiplayer working, or enormous day one patches to fix all of the bugs that made it onto the disc. Today, if you don't have a decent Internet connection in your home, some games are genuinely unplayable, and many others severely hampered.
           Street Fighter V released earlier this year, with Capcom promising that the single player Arcade Mode, a staple of the series, would be available to download in July. What if you don't have an Internet connection? Well, then you've got half a game. That's not a problem we faced when Street Fighter II released on the SNES in 1991. Back then, we had no Internet acting as a safety net for developers. Games had to work right out of the box.
             Going back and playing Global Gladiators today is as simple as popping the cartridge into your Genesis and turning on the power. It works now as it did then; exactly as it should, and without any fuss. This is one of the many great things about retro gaming; if you've got the game and the hardware you're pretty much good to go. You don't need to download drivers, or updates, or patches. You put in the game, and then you play. Just like you should.
#2. Games Used to Be More of a Challenge
             Today, anybody who keeps up to date with the latest trends in gaming will likely know of Dark Souls and Bloodborne, and the reputation these games have for punishing difficulty. Gamers flocked to the Souls series in droves, excited to play a title that challenged them and refused to hold their hands. There's no extended tutorial sections. There's little in the way of help. You can't pause. And every enemy can make mincemeat out of you unless you learn their attack patterns and act accordingly. It's exciting for a game to provide us with an uphill struggle like this, but then, I'm old enough to remember a time when every game was like this. And worse.
             Modern games have a tendency to spell things out to the player, often to an almost insulting degree. Popping a disc into a PS4 in 2016 means waiting for the install, then the day one patch, and then when you finally get a controller in your hand you spend the next two hours being walked through the early stages of the game like a kid on his first day of school. Everybody likes a bit of help now and again, but there's something to be said for just being thrown in at the deep end and being told to sink or swim.
#1. Nostalgia
             Nostalgia might seem like a cop out answer; after all, looking back on the past with rose tinted spectacles is often what fans of anything retro are criticized with. It's easy to dismiss nostalgia as a way of justifying the opinion that everything was just much better in your day, but the truth is that nostalgia is an immensely powerful agent and it shouldn't be ignored.
            Today, we watch rubbish movies and bemoan the use of obvious CGI, but we'll happily sit through Raiders of the Lost Ark and not bother mentioning that the melting Nazi at the end looks like he's made out of plasticine. We listen to the appalling pop music of our youths with a reflective smile on our faces while turning our noses up at Justin Bieber's latest video. And we'll talk about Final Fantasy VII as though it were second coming of Christ, completely ignoring all of the flaws in the game that we'd hang a modern game out to dry for. Nostalgia is a strong enough influence to make us believe that Sonic the Hedgehog was actually ever good. Now, that's serious.
             The reason a lot of us like playing old games is simply because of the feeling we get playing them. I've played hundreds, if not thousands of games in my time as a gamer. And I'm smart enough to know that in that time video games have improved in almost every way. But that doesn't change the fact that if I load up Street Fighter II I remember the days of playing it during the school summer holidays with all my friends. I remember the day I completed Toejam and Earl with my brother every time I hear the first few bars of its ridiculously funky theme music. And I remember the giddy thrills we got when we first got the fatalities working on Mortal Kombat II.
              Playing old games, just as with watching old movies or listening to old albums, transports us to a time in the past that we like to remember. Whether it's memories of old friends, loved ones, people we may see every day or might have lost touch with, every old game we load up is a window to the past and that's special. The latest Call of Duty is never going to compete with that.

Come over and say hi at https://www.retrosales.com.au/ for more retro video games articles.

4 Alasan Untuk Jadi Gamer PC - Yeah Iam..

            PC gaming is found to be much better than gaming consoles. There are several advantages of using PC games. To be frank I have tried using both, the consoles and playing on PC and trust me PC games have won my heart. It is not that I hate gaming consoles, but It Is that I like games of PC more. Even now at this age games do lure me and call me. I feel a certain drive towards them whenever I see anyone playing around.
              The advantages of PC games that I have noticed in particular are as follows-
Affordable games
Video contests or the consoles are very much expensive. Hence buying them every now and then for a common person like me is a bit tough. All the games that are set in the PC can be played for free. No extra subscriptions are required to play like in the play stations. This requires monthly subscriptions in the Xbox Live and PlayStation Plus subscriptions. Also if you are playing multiple player games then you don't have to pay anything for it as extra charges like in the consoles.
Several types of games
Pc support a more lout of contests than the consoles. By this, you can be sure that you would not be missing out on any of the games. A third party game publisher does not have to stake in for a  particular platform performance.
Also playing on the PC through keyboard and mouse offer the speed and accuracy that the games require and the gaming consoles cannot match. That is why one finds frequent gamers of games like Counter-Strike and the like much more active on PC rather on the consoles. So, it is natural that the action games have built their niche in the desktops.
Play how you want to play
This is another great aspect of playing contests on the PC. The PC games give you the freedom. After a long day of work and typing of the keyboard, I like to play games with it. The PC games differ here from the video games. They are wonderful options for choice and flexibility.
As real as you want it to be
The hardware inside your PC makes the gaming experience all the more better. While you play on Play Station 4 and Xbox One the resolution is between 720p and 1080p. This is the common range that television sets make use of. So, you can well imagine the quality of pictures you get on the PC. In PC you can actually choose the hardware you want to use and also the software.
All these features of the PC make games easy and better for the users. These are just the primary reasons why one should love PC games. If you can try playing games on both PC and a gaming console and find out the difference yourself.

Rabu, 30 Agustus 2017

Cara Mengurangi Kecerahan HP Android Sampai Titik Tergelapnya!! - Lower Brightness APK

Kali ini,, gue mau berbagi tutorial lagi yahh.. tapi sebelumnya maaf, kenapa? karena kemaren saya janji mau ngasih next tutor dari Joomla yaa.. namun gue itu udah males jadi kalau gue lagi nggak ada kerjaan deh, gue post tuhh..
Dan langsung aja ke topik kita yaa.. jadi misal kalau kamu lagi dikamar terus lampunya mati, nah hp mu itu bikin kamu silau karena terlalu cerah dan bikin mata sakit.. ini solusinya..

1. Turunin Kecerahan HP
    Ini contoh di HP Samsung...

2. Masih Silau? Sampe Gelap Bisa Kok..
        Nah, kalau misal masih terlalu terang.. kamu bisa memakai aplikasi
Lower Brightness

Nah Turunin Deh..

Udah Dulu Yakk,, Plak Plak Byeee..

Kamis, 10 Agustus 2017

Menghias Blog Dengan Namamu! - Cara Membuat Blog Joomla! #3

           Hei Rek, Bertemu lagi dengan Saya si Akbarz Axe 2.0.. Kali ini, gue mau ngasih tutorial lagi dan karena kemarin,, Kita udah berhasil membuat sebuah blog yang sealakadarnya.. paling tidak Kita udah sukses mengerjan tugas dari Pak Guru kita.. atau, kalian ada yang gagal..?? tulis dikomentar kalau kamu masih bingung disetiap stepnya..
           Kali ini kita akan melanjutkan..

Cara Membuat Akun Joomla Sampai Jadi Sebuah Blog Offline!

"Tutorial! How to Make Joomla Account, Until Done! Yes an Offline Blog" 

           Langsung aja yuk..

1. Buka "Template Manager"..!!

           a. Buka Template Manager di Tab Dashboard/Administration

2. Nah, Saatnya Pilih Temamu!!

          Disini Saya memakai tema yang namanya  Beez2 - Default. Kalau kamu mau beda kagak papa sih.. Lalu Kamu klik dah tuh Beez2 - Defautnya

 3. Edit Templatenya.. XOXO

           a. Pada tab "Advance Option" Kamu boleh menghapus logonya jika kamu kagak punya..

           b. Ganti Site Title dengan nama Blog Kamu.. Contoh : Akbarz Axe - Bay_Rage - Coolest

           c. Ganti juga "Site Description" dengan deskripsi blog kamu.. Contoh : Welcome to My Blog,,

           d. Yang terakhir Template color, ganti jadi Nature

           e. Jika sudah selesai, pilih "Save & Close"

             Jika sudah selesai, coba kamu Klik View Site, Di Pojok kanan atas layar..

            Setelah kamu klik, nanti,, Blog kamu akan berubah tampilannya menjadi.. Seperti Ini..


             Site Title              = Netuka

             Site Description   = SMKN 1 Karanggayam

4. Selesai dah..

        Udah jadi kan temen-temen, udah dulu ya tutorial tentang joomla kali ini... Maaf jika mengecewakan kalian, karena cuma ngeganti Site Tile + Description-nya doang.. Tapi Next Time gue bakal ngerubah "Module Manager".. "Emang, Modul Manager Itu Apa Ya Kak..??" Mmm.. Apa ya,, ?? Penasaran..? Update terus aja di Akbarz Axe Blogs!

Saatnya Instal Joomla! - Cara Membuat Blog Joomla! #2

       Hey Yo, What's Up Axe's... Kali ini kita akan ngelanjutin postingan kemaren yaitu

Cara Membuat Akun Joomla Sampai Jadi Sebuah Blog Offline!

"Tutorial! How to Make Joomla Account, Until Done! Yes an Offline Blog" 

   Nah, Kemarin banget, kita udah berhasil membuat aaaa, mungkin belum membuat yah,, tapi memasang kedua Aplikasi yang dibutuhkan dalam membuat blog offline Joomla..!! Yeee, sebenernya temen-temen blog kita tersebut bisa juga dibuat online, tapi gimana?? setau gue, caranya itu dihubungkan dalam 1 server, atau 1 wi-fi juga bisa,, mungkin lain kali gue bakal terangin.. kalau gue udah nemu cara dibuat online keseluruh dunia ya temen-temen.. tungguin aja,,

         Oke temen-temen nggak usah banyak intermezzo-nya langsung aja ketopik pembicaaran kita...

1. Bismilah


2. Aktifin XAMPP Lagi..!!

         Jadi temen-temen, sebelum kita mau instal Joomla nya, kita harus tau dulu bahwa kita harus selalu aktifin XAMPP nya, "Terus Aktifinnnya Gimana Kak Akbarz..??" Kan kemarin saya udah kasih tau di Tutorial Membuat Joomla Yang Pertama #1.. Biar mudah nih caranya..

            a. Buka direktori C:\xampp

            b. nah nanti disitu ada "xampp control"

            c. buka aplikasi tersebut lalu Start Apache dan MySql

            d. Bingung,, kamu lihat post yang ini : Tutorial Pertama Nih

3. Saatnya Eksekusi!

          Setelah mereka berdua diStart.. sekarang kalian pergilah ke Google Chrome / Mozilla Firefox / Opera lalu..

            a. Kunjungi alamat localhost/Nama File kamu di xampp/htdocs

                      Contoh : localhost/netuka
            b. Lalu Enter.. Maka akan muncul

            c. Setelah kamu milih bahasa, klik next.. (pojok kanan atas)

4. Lanjut ke Database Configuration!!

          Kalian Berhasilkah?? Kalau begini kita harus Lanjut nih...

           a. Klik Next sampai ada tampilan seperti ini

           b. Tepatnya pada Menu "Database Configuration". Jadi Menu Pre-instalation check dan                        License Lewatin aja

            c. Atur "Basic Settings" Seperti gambar dibawah.. Password kosongin aja

5. Ini Nih Yang Penting,,

           a. Lewati FTP Configurationnya..

          b. Lalu isi semua kolom yang tersedia, Ingat! jangan lupain Admin Username sama Password Kamu yah temen-temen, soalnya itu paling penting..

6. Last Step! Penyelesaian..

          a. Setelah kamu next.. nanti akan muncul tulisan seperti gambar dibawah..

          b. Lalu pastikan kamu menghapus "Direktori Pemasangan" dengan cara "digambar"

          c. Lalu kamu pilih "Administrasi" dipojok kanan atas layar..

6. Loh, Katanya Tadi Udah Last..?? Ini Babak Bonus Temen-temen..

           a. Setelah kamu klik Administration maka akan muncul "gambar"

           b. Kamu masih inget Username dan Password nya kan..?? yang ada di Step 5. Ini Nih Yang                      Penting!

           c. Kalau lupa, tenang aja.. kan bisa kamu inget-inget lagi :v "is doesn't help at all"

             Nanti, kalau kamu udah Log In kamu bakal masuk di dashboard / control panel.. ini penampakannya..

        Nah itu,,, tanda bahwa site kamu itu udah jadi.. kamu mau lihat..?? Klik aja "View Site"

           Jelek ?? jelas, karena itu cuma sample site, kamu bisa download sendiri css/template/tampilan blog kamu supaya tampilannya jadi lebih bagus,, terus, downloadnya dimana? download di www.siteground.com atau kamu bisa edit sendiri template yang sudah ada.. itu kalau kamu bisa..

          Oke temen-temen,, saya pikir udah gitu aja tutorial kali ini, dan di Next Tutorial, gue bakal kasih tau gimana, Cara Mengedit Template Joomla Supaya Jadi Lebih Insteresting/Menarik.. yaudah ya Axe's sampai disini dulu, jangan lupa Step no 1 Bismillah.

Minggu, 06 Agustus 2017

Masang 2 Aplikasi Penting! Cara Membuat Blog Joomla! #1

         Hi..  Kembali lagi bersama gue di Akbarz Axe 2.0.. Jadi kali ini saya itu akan berbagi tuturial tentang Joomla lengkap dengan Screen Shot-nya..!! "Versi Video = Nyusul"

         "kenapa tentang Joomla..??"

          Karena, Saya itu kasihan sama teman-teman saya yang kesulitan walaupun Pak Didin sudah menjelaskan dengan sabar.. jadi saya akan buat tutor nya secara singkat aja ya..

Cara Membuat Akun Joomla Sampai Jadi Sebuah Blog Offline!

"Tutorial! How to Make Joomla Account, Until Done! Yes an Offline Blog"

1. Instal Aplikasi XAMPP Versi Berapa Aja..

        Disini, Saya memakai versi 1.7.2 . Filenya Minta Sama Pak Didin Yah, mau gue upload tapi sayang datanya.
Kalau kamu orang asing,, Download aja XAMPP di Google.. :)

         a. Buka XAMPP v 1.7.2 Pake WinRAR,     / Open XAMPP v 1.7.2 with WinRAR

         b. Pilih Extract To,                                 / Choose "Extract To"

         c. Pilih Extract di Peranti (C:)                  / Choose Extract at Disk (C:)

         d. Lalu Ok                                            / Then OK

         e. Tunggu Proses Ekstract Selesai..        / Wait for Extracting Process 'till its Done

2. Extract Joomla!

     Nah, Lagi-lagi Extract.. Joomla yang aku pake yaitu "Joomla_2.5.28-Stable-Full_Package". Filenya minta sama Pak Didin :v atau download aja di Google,

         a. Buka Joomla_2.5.28-Stable-Full_Package pake WinRAR     / Open Joomla App with WinRAR

         b. Lalu Pilih "Extrack To"                                                     / and then choose Extract to button

         c. Pastikan Kamu Extract di C:\xampp\htdocs\Joomla_2.5.28-Stable-Full_Package        / <== Extract There

         d. Lalu Okee..                                                                       / Then Ok

         e. Tunggu Sampe Selesai..                                                     / Wait until its done

3. Ganti Namanya Axe's!

          a. Pergilah ke C:\xampp\htdocs\                                    / <=== Go to

          b. Disitu terdapat Folder bernama Joomla_2.5.28-Stable-Full_Package          / There's a folder named "Joomla_2.5.28-Stable-Full_Package"

          c. Rubah Namanya menjadi nama blog yang kamu inginkan, Pastikan tidak ada spasi..     

              Saya sarankan text.nya 1 kata saja, Contoh : Akbarz, Axe, Mask, Milk :v                 / "Dont Use Space!"

Well.. Kalian Sudah Setengah Jalan,, Lanjut Yuuu!!!


4. Aktifkan XAMPP..!!

          Sebelum Kita instal joomlanya.. kita harus mengaktifkan yang namanya XAMPP terlebih dahulu..

                     "Before we instal the joomla,, we need to activated the XAMPP first"

                 a. Pergi ke C:\xampp                                              /  go to C:\xampp

                 b. Lalu buka aplikasi yang namanya "XAMPP CONTROL"       / then open "XAMPP CONTROL"

                 c. Maka akan muncul, Seperti gambar..               / it will show, just like the picture bellow

            Setelah dibuka, Maka akan muncul PopUp diPojok Kanan Bawah Layar Seperti Ini..

                                    "after opened, a PopUp will be show at the screen"

5. Saatnya Instal Joomla 2.5.28 ...!!! Yeahh!!

           Setelah XAMPP diaktifkan, Sekarang saatnya menginstal Joomla kalian..

       a. Buka Browser yang kalian andalkan.. "Saya Pake Google Chrome"          / Open any browser

       b. Lalu kunjungi situs "localhost/"nama folder kalian tadi" Contoh = localhost/Akbarz   / <== visit

       c. Maka akan muncul tampilan seperti gambar dibawah.. :)              / yeah, like picture bellow

           Udah dulu ya, tutorial instal joomlanya, soalnya saya udah kecapean :v Doain aja besok tutorial kedua cepet muncul.. :) dan bila kamu ada masalah pada saat menginstal Joomlanya atau kesusahan kamu bisa tulis masalahnya dikomentar, atau contact saya aja.. Mau tau..??
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